Ocular Installer Training Certification Program

Ocular provides a free training webinar for our installation partners every month to make sure you know the best way to install our products.

Plug into the high growth EV charging industry by becoming a Certified Ocular Partner via our free online training now. Sign up now for the next available session.

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Made simple for you

The Ocular Installation Training Program is an online course that details our end to end range and details the installation process. Installers who take this training will have all the information needed to efficiently and accurately install the range of Ocular charging stations including all new products to come to the market during the month.

Upon successful completion of the program, installers will receive a certificate of completion.

EV Charger
Training Modules

What will you learn?

Home Charging

  • Detailed Description of both our home solution
  • Wiring and AS3000 rules
  • EV charging overview
  • Ocular Home Overview


  • Detailed Description of Multi-Residential solution
  • Ocular IQ Wallbox Overview
  • Wiring and AS3000 rules
  • Metering and billing information
  • Metering and billing information

Commercial Installation

  • Detailed Description of commercial solution
  • Ocular IQ Commercial Overview
  • Wiring and AS3000 rules
  • Metering and billing information
  • Software & networking

DC Charger Installation

  • Detailed Description of DC solution
  • Ocular Dual DC Charger Overview
  • Wiring and AS3000 rules
  • Metering and billing information
  • Software & networking

Future-proof your business with
electric vehicle charging